The Shitfuckery blog

Peter Dutton's Desperate Struggle for Dunkley: A Closer Look

Peter Dutton Leopard
# Peter Dutton's Desperate Struggle for Dunkley: A Closer Look

In the upcoming Dunkley by-election, Peter Dutton's palpable desperation reveals the high stakes for his political ambitions. The fear of defeat looms large, betraying his usually over-crafted, superimposed, badly composed facade with visible signs of distress. Despite attempts to minimise the significance of this election, Dutton's actions and rhetoric scream desperation. His frequent, unfounded attacks on “#Albo," only underscore his precarious position.
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Peter Dutton got it all wrong over "Murpharoo"

Peter Dutton's attempt at humour regarding Katherine Murphy's departure from The Guardian to work for Prime Minister #Albo was far from amusing. Dutton, not known for his comedic skills, made derogatory comments about Murphy, showing a lack of understanding and finesse in such matters.
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Tim Wilson wants to get back on the gravy train

#TimWilson wants to get back on the gravy train and is up for the fight with two others, ostensibly unknowns which is possibly the only thing in #DimTim's favour….

Wilson lost the seat spectacularly to #ZoeDaniel @zdaniel who has, since being elected, been doing a sterling job, polls show she is extremely well-regarded by the well-heeled #Goldstein voters.

For the #LiberalParty choosing Wilson to stand is likely going to be more of a financial decision than anything else, he is better known than the two others and this means the Libs will have to spend substantially less on personality promotion, it costs a lot to get a "name" put there and build a profile. Read more… Read More…

Eric Abetz - Return or not? the BETZ are ON

The man who had the most annoying voice in #parliament, #EricAbetz is hoping to reclaim his cushy #TaxPayer gig after announcing a desire to return to politics. The "Betz" are on - IPA, Monash Forum and #CoalMining supporter Abetz is really not what Tasmania needs, a little reminder:
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Morrison and a glass of water - Manus Island

Unveiling the Past: Scott Morrison's Denial of Amnesty Report Findings on Manus Island Detention

Let's take a trip down memory lane, over a decade ago, to revisit a rather controversial chapter in Australian immigration history. Strap in, as we delve into Scott Morrison's response to a scathing Amnesty International report on offshore processing at Manus Island.

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Reflecting on Australia's Vaccine Rollout Challenges: A Dive into the Past

CleanShot 2024-01-06 at 00.47.38

Reflecting on Australia's Vaccine Rollout Challenges: A Dive into the Past
Greetings, readers! Today, I invite you to join me on a journey back to
July 21, 2021, when the headlines were ablaze with critiques of Scott Morrison's handling of Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout. As we revisit this archive piece previously covered by Shannon Molloy for, let's explore the nuances of the situation and consider the insights shared by experts at the time.
Molloy's article highlighted the growing backlash against Scott Morrison, with experts predicting that the vaccine rollout could be remembered as one of Australia's significant missteps. The slow and problem-plagued delivery of Covid-19 jabs was attributed to extended lockdowns affecting millions of people, making it a pressing concern in the public discourse.
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Peter Dutton is a quick on the draw happy to go to war trigger happy war monger

Peter Dutton Red Sea ships war2
Dutton’s Dangerous War Games

Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition, has once again shown his reckless and warmongering attitude by calling for Australia to send a navy ship to the Red Sea. He claims that this is necessary to protect our economy from the threats posed by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. But his real motive is to boost his own political image and appeal to his right-wing base…
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