The Shitfuckery blog

The Aladins lamp of Paladin - Peter Dutton a backwards look

Paladin money machine
We are looking backwards, a historical view of the Paladin matter.

In the swirling vortex of the Paladin Affair, the tale twists and turns through a murky labyrinth of money, power, and dubious decisions. At the heart of this whirlwind is the staggering revelation that Paladin, a company with a spotty track record and minimal paid-up capital, was awarded contracts worth a whopping $423 million over 22 months to provide refugee services on Manus Island. This tale raises eyebrows and blood pressures alike, with the cost of services reaching an astronomical $1600 per night per person, in stark contrast to the $108 that could have covered comprehensive services with a hefty profit margin to boot. Read More…

PNG prime minister calls for PALADIN contract to be cancelled, how convenient the timing

Paladin sfy launder2

Wash Wash Wash the laundry. Make money with the new money laundering machine

It looks like the PNG Prime Minister is a mate of Scott Morrison otherwise it’s just coincidental timing. The PNG primo has called for the Paladin contract to be cancelled*

The timing is brilliant, just as the questions become harder and the people asking them multiply, in jumps the PNG PM with a ‘Look over there’ opportunity for the government to deflect the burden that PALADIN is becoming.

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Money for nothing and kickbacks for free? – Lets stop the PALADIN questions


What the very fuck is going on?

Paladin, the entity at the centre of suspicions over its government-awarded contract, reported to be $20 Million per month (of Australian taxpayers money) is still under question.

According to the financial review, #Paladin receives $20 Million a month to house refugees “That means on a daily basis it now costs the Australian government over $1600 to house each refugee on Manus, not including food and welfare services, more than double the price of a suite at the Shangri-La hotel in Sydney.” Read More…