The Shitfuckery blog


The Aladins lamp of Paladin - Peter Dutton a backwards look

Paladin money machine
We are looking backwards, a historical view of the Paladin matter.

In the swirling vortex of the Paladin Affair, the tale twists and turns through a murky labyrinth of money, power, and dubious decisions. At the heart of this whirlwind is the staggering revelation that Paladin, a company with a spotty track record and minimal paid-up capital, was awarded contracts worth a whopping $423 million over 22 months to provide refugee services on Manus Island. This tale raises eyebrows and blood pressures alike, with the cost of services reaching an astronomical $1600 per night per person, in stark contrast to the $108 that could have covered comprehensive services with a hefty profit margin to boot. Read Moreā€¦