The Shitfuckery blog

Peter Dutton

The Aladins lamp of Paladin - Peter Dutton a backwards look

Paladin money machine
We are looking backwards, a historical view of the Paladin matter.

In the swirling vortex of the Paladin Affair, the tale twists and turns through a murky labyrinth of money, power, and dubious decisions. At the heart of this whirlwind is the staggering revelation that Paladin, a company with a spotty track record and minimal paid-up capital, was awarded contracts worth a whopping $423 million over 22 months to provide refugee services on Manus Island. This tale raises eyebrows and blood pressures alike, with the cost of services reaching an astronomical $1600 per night per person, in stark contrast to the $108 that could have covered comprehensive services with a hefty profit margin to boot. Read More…

Peter Dutton's Desperate Struggle for Dunkley: A Closer Look

Peter Dutton Leopard
# Peter Dutton's Desperate Struggle for Dunkley: A Closer Look

In the upcoming Dunkley by-election, Peter Dutton's palpable desperation reveals the high stakes for his political ambitions. The fear of defeat looms large, betraying his usually over-crafted, superimposed, badly composed facade with visible signs of distress. Despite attempts to minimise the significance of this election, Dutton's actions and rhetoric scream desperation. His frequent, unfounded attacks on “#Albo," only underscore his precarious position.
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Peter Dutton got it all wrong over "Murpharoo"

Peter Dutton's attempt at humour regarding Katherine Murphy's departure from The Guardian to work for Prime Minister #Albo was far from amusing. Dutton, not known for his comedic skills, made derogatory comments about Murphy, showing a lack of understanding and finesse in such matters.
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Peter Dutton finally says YES to something

Skynews Dutton stage 3 cuts_fin

Hahaha, Peter Dutton “Doctor No” says YES and even he can’t believe it. Wedged like a golfer in a sand bunker Peter Dutton couldn’t say no to the stage 3 tax cuts and it must be pissing him off no end.

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Peter Dutton all crybaby over a journalist getting a job - Takes a crack at Katharine Murphy

Peter dutton katherine murphy

What is wrong with #PeterDutton? The week before last he went all wolly over #Woollies, next he went all Scrooge over losing half of his tax cut and now he’s jibing at #Journalists for changing jobs, what the very fuck is wrong with him?

Award-winning journalist Katharine Murphy from The Guardian decides to make a career change of sorts and Dutton has gone all Googoo Gaga, really he has lost the plot. What’s got Dutton’s dacks in a tangle around his dangle is the fact that “Murpharoo” @murpharoo as she goes by on X is going to work for #Albo. Holy fuck, you’d think she was going to set up a hair restoration clinic in the Cayman Islands with #Liberal party funds and not pay any tax such is spuds outrage. Read on…
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The Hidden Costs of Nuclear Power: Cybersecurity Threats and Financial Risks at Sellafield

Sellafield nuclear disaster 1a

The UK's most hazardous nuclear site, #Sellafield, has been hacked by cyber groups linked to Russia and #China.

#PeterDutton will shit himself when he finds out:

Fark, Dutt's hates China but loves #Nuclear and this latest FAIL in #NuclearPower is gonna make his uphill battle to push the nukes on us:

You may not have heard of "Sellafield" that's because they changed its name, from #Windscale. We don't know why they changed the name but we suspect it was to try and improve its public image because the world nuclear dustbin didn't have a good history - It's a lemon, a glow-in-the-dark lemon, a poisonous glow-in-the-dark lemon, it's a bit of a shitter.

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Peter Dutton, Matt Canavan & Bush Boy Barnaby are having a lend of you

Shitfuckery against nuclear power
Peter Dutton, Matt Canavan & Bush Boy Barnaby are having a lend of you

The late-2000s nuclear renaissance, marked by the #Fukushima disaster and cost overruns, faced another setback in 2023. With five reactor start-ups and closures, the industry experienced a net loss of 1.7 GW capacity. Aging reactors led the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to predict 10 closures annually until 2050. However, the industry averaged only 6.1 construction starts and 6.7 reactor startups per year from 2014-23.

The operable power reactors dropped to 407-413, down from the 2002 peak of 438. Global nuclear power's share in electricity generation fell to 9.2%, the lowest in four decades. China dominated with five of the six reactor construction starts in 2023, dispelling hopes of a new nuclear renaissance. Read More…

Peter Dutton is duping you over Nuclear

Hinkley Poer Plant UK
Hinkley Nuclear Power Station Saga: A Decade of Delays and Cost Overruns

Remember the good old days when Hinkley C nuclear power station was supposed to be up and running by 2017? Well, fast forward to today, and we're looking at a June 2026 opening – almost a decade fashionably late, if they manage to stick to this extended deadline. Read More…

Money for nothing and kickbacks for free? – Lets stop the PALADIN questions


What the very fuck is going on?

Paladin, the entity at the centre of suspicions over its government-awarded contract, reported to be $20 Million per month (of Australian taxpayers money) is still under question.

According to the financial review, #Paladin receives $20 Million a month to house refugees “That means on a daily basis it now costs the Australian government over $1600 to house each refugee on Manus, not including food and welfare services, more than double the price of a suite at the Shangri-La hotel in Sydney.” Read More…

Unveiling the Orwellian Ambitions of #PeterDutton: A Dive into Social Media Controversies

#PeterDutton could easily be a character from George Orwell’s 1984. You know, the guy who seems to have a penchant for dictatorial vibes, ready to arrest you or slap you with a lawsuit just for thinking he's a bit of an asshole Read More…

Peter Dutton is a quick on the draw happy to go to war trigger happy war monger

Peter Dutton Red Sea ships war2
Dutton’s Dangerous War Games

Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition, has once again shown his reckless and warmongering attitude by calling for Australia to send a navy ship to the Red Sea. He claims that this is necessary to protect our economy from the threats posed by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. But his real motive is to boost his own political image and appeal to his right-wing base…
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