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Sarah Ferguson interviews Peter Dutton in one of his rare appearances on ABC 7.30. Peter gets ratty from the get-go and accuses Sarah of being a Labor stooge. BASH, SMACK, SLAP lol

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John Howard & The Iraq War: Seargent John

John Howard took Australia to war. We think little Johnnie is a pissant warmonger who should be sent to the front line.

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Barnaby Joyce: 3 brains in a quadrant of 4

Barnaby Joyce on ABC’s NEMESIS reckons there are three parts to the brain. This man was the Deputy Prime Minister - Really!

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Barnaby has wind and other gastro issues

Barnaby Joyce yells at no-one about wind farms and shit going BUZZ in the night. We suspect he was pissed.

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Telling lies In Political Advertising is LEGAL!

We pay politicians. Politicians can legally LIE to us in advertisements. Therefore WE PAY politicians to lie to us.

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Scott Morrison fells a kid and Boris Johnson biffs a boy

Two Prime Ministers at the time, both in shirts & ties on a footy pitch felling children - How the fuck does that happen?

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Peter Dutton turns into "Bubbles" - Caught laughing

Peter Dutton bleats about stage 3 tax cuts wearing very, like REALLY thick peculiar heavy milk bottle bottom type glasses

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