The Shitfuckery blog

Peter Dutton got it all wrong over "Murpharoo"

Peter Dutton's attempt at humour regarding Katherine Murphy's departure from The Guardian to work for Prime Minister #Albo was far from amusing. Dutton, not known for his comedic skills, made derogatory comments about Murphy, showing a lack of understanding and finesse in such matters.

In reality, Dutton's remarks were not light-hearted banter but an ill-conceived attempt to take a jab at Albo. Even if Dutton possessed a sense of humour, the punch he aimed to land was destined to miss its mark.

There is a cardinal rule in politics: if one aspires to be the Prime Minister, they should conduct themselves accordingly. Dutton's incapacity to embody the demeanour of a PM diminishes any chances he may have had. Making disparaging remarks about an accomplished woman's career decision is not only a large-scale gaffe but also a surprising oversight by the mainstream media, failing to call out Dutton's significant blunder.

Dutton would be wise to exercise caution with his words or consider hiring a professional, perhaps someone like Katherine Murphy, to manage his public relations. Dutton's recent blunders, including the ill-advised comments about Murphy and the forced support of the #Stage3 tax cuts, have put him in a precarious position.

It may not be long before a #Libspill occurs, even though the talent pool seems lacking. The smartest revenge wedge in recent years has been executed by Labor, forcing the Liberals into a challenging position.

The recent developments surrounding the Labor proposal on tax cuts have caught the Liberals off guard. It has Sussan Ley grasping at straws repeatedly chiming the line "There's a liar in the lodge" which is ill-advised rhetoric given the ammunition against her leader Peter Dutton who is renowned for his lies or as he calls them "Misspeaks" whatever the fuck they are.

The surprise factor of a potential Labor backflip on tax cuts has put the Liberals in a difficult position. The confusion in their messages indicates a lack of preparedness.

Dutton's response to Murphy's appointment, attempting to make a joke at her expense, was both cheap and ineffective. It demonstrated a failure to adhere to the golden rule for an opposition leader aspiring to become prime minister.

Despite favourable circumstances for Dutton, such as Albanese breaking a significant election promise and facing backlash, he allowed himself to take cheap shots. Dutton's distraction by the Canberra bubble showcased a lack of focus on more critical matters.

Advisers should not be targets, and Dutton's response reflected poorly on his judgment. Even a seemingly innocuous social media post can spark discussions about a politician's decision-making abilities. What a shame the MSM weren't there to give him a lesson.

Dutton is now facing a by-election in Dunkley and if he loses, he could be looking for a job, how much more downside can the LNP take under his lacklustre leadership?

It can't be long now before a #Libspill occurs, even though the talent is not there, surely they can't hang the LNP hat on this flog?

The previous article “Peter Dutton all crybaby over a journalist getting a job - Takes a crack at Katharine Murphy” can be read here.