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Peter Dutton all crybaby over a journalist getting a job - Takes a crack at Katharine Murphy

Peter dutton katherine murphy

What is wrong with #PeterDutton? The week before last he went all wolly over #Woollies, next he went all Scrooge over losing half of his tax cut and now he’s jibing at #Journalists for changing jobs, what the very fuck is wrong with him?

Award-winning journalist Katharine Murphy from The Guardian decides to make a career change of sorts and Dutton has gone all Googoo Gaga, really he has lost the plot. What’s got Dutton’s dacks in a tangle around his dangle is the fact that “Murpharoo” @murpharoo as she goes by on X is going to work for #Albo. Holy fuck, you’d think she was going to set up a hair restoration clinic in the Cayman Islands with #Liberal party funds and not pay any tax such is spuds outrage. Read on…

"Peter Dutton's Comedy Career: A Swipe at Journalists, or Just Bad Timing?"

In the world of Australian politics, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton recently tried his hand at comedy, taking a swipe at two prominent journalists one whom is set to join Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's team. However, the real question is whether Dutton should stick to developing policies rather than attempting stand-up.

The laughter began when Katharine Murphy, the outgoing political editor of The Guardian Australia, announced her departure from political journalism to work for Prime Minister Albanese. In a tweet that seemed more like a failed punchline, Dutton expressed his shock, saying, "I am genuinely shocked to see Murpharoo take up a spot to now be officially running lines for Labor." He just wished he’d got a good writer on his team.

Dutton didn't stop there; he also took a playful jab at David Crowe, the Chief Political Correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald, joking that the experienced journalist had missed out on the role. "The real outrage is David Crowe missed out. What more must he do to prove his credentials to formally be employed by the Labor Party? #givecroweago," tweeted Dutton, adding a touch of sarcasm to his already flat comedy routine.

However, the real punchline might be that Dutton seems more concerned about the hiring of experienced individuals who know his weaknesses than making jokes. The appointment of Murphy, who has been critical of the Coalition, and the subsequent reactions from Dutton suggest a discomfort with Labor's strategic hiring.

Dutton's attempt at humour may have fallen flat, but it raises the question of whether he should focus on developing policies, especially as he faces the challenge of leading the opposition at the next election, an election he will lose. Instead of cracking jokes, perhaps it's time for Dutton to present his first policy as opposition leader.

What is really going on here is Peter Dutton’s thinking. He is actually thinking out loud and that’s a danger for someone like spud, his thoughts are not really very smart. In this latest jibe over journalists Peter Dutton is showing that he has a view that all journalists should agree with him and any that don’t are losers. It is a touch, nay a lot narcissistic and a real window into his character. This actually is the mind of a dictator, write what I want you to write or you’re no good and should be ridiculed. The truth of the matter is and based on Dutton’s performances recently like the waffle on #Woollies, the tantrum over not getting his full tax cut, the lies over Canada’s #Nuclear energy and a host of other horribly conceived rants, he needs a better writer for his scripted negativity, it’s just plain average like the man himself.

As the curtains close on this political comedy act, it's evident that Peter Dutton's attempt at humour might be better left in the realm of policy development. While Katharine Murphy moves on to new chapters in her outstanding career, Dutton should consider doing the same – this time, focusing on serious matters rather than trying to be the stand-up comedian of Australian politics. After all, as they say in the trade, he might want to avoid dying on stage.

We note that Spunk Bubble Paterson (James Paterson - Shadow Minister for Not Shaving) chimed in with “I do think it’s interesting, she’s not only a senior member of the press gallery but also one very much on the progressive end of the spectrum, from the Guardian.” - Thanks James for stating the bleeding obvious and reminding us that Albo got a great staffer in Katherine.

Lol, Spud and Spunk Bubble Paterson mocked in one article, great day

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