The Shitfuckery blog

The Hidden Costs of Nuclear Power: Cybersecurity Threats and Financial Risks at Sellafield

Sellafield nuclear disaster 1a

The UK's most hazardous nuclear site, #Sellafield, has been hacked by cyber groups linked to Russia and #China.

#PeterDutton will shit himself when he finds out:

Fark, Dutt's hates China but loves #Nuclear and this latest FAIL in #NuclearPower is gonna make his uphill battle to push the nukes on us:

You may not have heard of "Sellafield" that's because they changed its name, from #Windscale. We don't know why they changed the name but we suspect it was to try and improve its public image because the world nuclear dustbin didn't have a good history - It's a lemon, a glow-in-the-dark lemon, a poisonous glow-in-the-dark lemon, it's a bit of a shitter.

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Peter Dutton, Matt Canavan & Bush Boy Barnaby are having a lend of you

Shitfuckery against nuclear power
Peter Dutton, Matt Canavan & Bush Boy Barnaby are having a lend of you

The late-2000s nuclear renaissance, marked by the #Fukushima disaster and cost overruns, faced another setback in 2023. With five reactor start-ups and closures, the industry experienced a net loss of 1.7 GW capacity. Aging reactors led the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to predict 10 closures annually until 2050. However, the industry averaged only 6.1 construction starts and 6.7 reactor startups per year from 2014-23.

The operable power reactors dropped to 407-413, down from the 2002 peak of 438. Global nuclear power's share in electricity generation fell to 9.2%, the lowest in four decades. China dominated with five of the six reactor construction starts in 2023, dispelling hopes of a new nuclear renaissance. Read More…

Peter Dutton is duping you over Nuclear

Hinkley Poer Plant UK
Hinkley Nuclear Power Station Saga: A Decade of Delays and Cost Overruns

Remember the good old days when Hinkley C nuclear power station was supposed to be up and running by 2017? Well, fast forward to today, and we're looking at a June 2026 opening – almost a decade fashionably late, if they manage to stick to this extended deadline. Read More…