The Shitfuckery blog

Peter Dutton is duping you over Nuclear

Hinkley Poer Plant UK
Hinkley Nuclear Power Station Saga: A Decade of Delays and Cost Overruns

Remember the good old days when Hinkley C nuclear power station was supposed to be up and running by 2017? Well, fast forward to today, and we're looking at a June 2026 opening – almost a decade fashionably late, if they manage to stick to this extended deadline.

We wonder if #PeterDutton talks to his conservative friends (They call #Liberals conservatives in old Blighty), What am I saying, he doesn't have any friends.

Anyway IF he did, you'd think they'd have told about #HINKLEY.

What is Hinkley? some of you may ask, well let's find out.

Hinkley is where the Brits are building a #NuclearPower station. Now, you've heard us talking about the French and the financial disasters they are having with nuclear
but we forgot their neighbours who are doing it tough with delays and cost overruns and maintenance of their nuke fleet - You may have thought it was isolated, well isolated to the frogs and the yanks, but NO!

Hinkley Nuclear Power Station Saga: A Decade of Delays and Cost Overruns

Remember the good old days when Hinkley C nuclear power station was supposed to be up and running by 2017? Well, fast forward to today, and we're looking at a June 2026 opening – almost a decade fashionably late, if they manage to stick to this extended deadline.

Back in the day, the British energy company behind the project, was all hyped up, predicting a 2017 power-up. But here we are, scratching our heads in 2026.

Let's talk cash. The UK government originally slapped a £4 billion ($7.6 Billion AUD) price tag on this ambitious project. Brace yourself – the current estimate? Somewhere between £22 billion and £23 billion ($44 Billion AUD). Yeah, you read that right. Money seems to be flowing out faster than we can say "nuclear."

Read the full story on our blog:

And then there's the electricity bill. The UK government, in its wisdom, fixed a "strike price" for Hinkley's electricity at £92 per megawatt-hour, and this bad boy is rising with inflation. The kicker? Despite the project costs skyrocketing, that strike price isn't budging. Hold on to your wallets, folks.

Now, let's put this into perspective. Offshore UK wind farms are waltzing in with strike prices of around £40 per megawatt-hour – less than half the rate Hinkley is dishing out. Someone needs to have a chat with the budgeting team.

In a nutshell, Hinkley C is like that friend who's always late to the party, costing more than expected and insisting on sticking to the same old expensive routine. The lesson here? Maybe next time, we should consider wind farms for a budget-friendly, on-time, and eco-friendly soirée.

We know Dutton's nuclear ambitions are just a diversion and it will never happen but wouldn't it be nice if he knew, that we know, that nuclear is SHIT?

Some pics of the plant that was meant to be completed TEN YEARS AGO!Hinkley nuclearhinkley point