The Shitfuckery blog


The Hidden Costs of Nuclear Power: Cybersecurity Threats and Financial Risks at Sellafield

Sellafield nuclear disaster 1a

The UK's most hazardous nuclear site, #Sellafield, has been hacked by cyber groups linked to Russia and #China.

#PeterDutton will shit himself when he finds out:

Fark, Dutt's hates China but loves #Nuclear and this latest FAIL in #NuclearPower is gonna make his uphill battle to push the nukes on us:

You may not have heard of "Sellafield" that's because they changed its name, from #Windscale. We don't know why they changed the name but we suspect it was to try and improve its public image because the world nuclear dustbin didn't have a good history - It's a lemon, a glow-in-the-dark lemon, a poisonous glow-in-the-dark lemon, it's a bit of a shitter.