The Shitfuckery blog

Sky News and the Mysterious 'Taxpayers Alliance' – A Comedy of Errors

Sky News Australian Tax Alliance
"Sky News and the Mysterious 'Taxpayers Alliance' – A Comedy of Errors"

We know not to read this stuff but balanced research means we have to. The Headline baited us, SkyNews and The Australian tax Alliance, who could resist?

So, there I was, breaking the monotony of my day by daring to open Microsoft Edge, only to be greeted by a homepage that could easily be mistaken for a marketing dumpster dive. Promotional banners for Sky News adorned the screen, reminding me why I avoid Edge like it's a plague of tech-hungry locusts. I won't bother tweaking my preferences because, honestly, there are more things wrong with Edge than I have time to list. Cue the eye roll and a deep dive into the realm of #Labor bashing and Albo negativity—thanks to MSN and Microsoft Edge, the dynamic duo of verifiable propaganda.

In the spirit of curiosity (or sheer masochism), I clicked on the first 'news' banner, fully expecting a symphony of right-wing spin. Lo and behold, the headline screamed, "Albanese governments 'bluff' on tax bracket called out." Now, who's the star of this political sitcom? Brace yourself – it's none other than the Australian Taxpayers' Alliance (ATA). I couldn't help but chuckle. Move aside chief economists, well-known commentators, and Steve Price – we've got the ATA dropping truth bombs on us.

The article kicks off with the ATA President, Brian Marlow, accusing the Albanese government of bluffing on abolishing the 37 per cent tax bracket. Hold up – the Australian Taxpayers Alliance? The very folks who, until this moment, were about as well-known as my Aunt Mildred's secret salsa recipe? Let the morning comedy routine commence!

Marlow continues the jest by declaring, "The Labor government decided to lie to voters at the last election and completely abandon these tax cuts." Marlow, echoing Sky News' favorite tune about Labor's deceit. But wait, this guy is from the AUSTRALIAN taxpayers alliance – is he one of us? Let's unravel this web of absurdity.

The article features Marlow again, boldly stating, "Well, we're calling their bluff - we're saying, okay, by your own estimates, you're saying the economy's going to bounce back in the next 12 months. We're giving you until 2026 to commit to getting rid of that 37 per cent rate." Bravo, Mr. Marlow, for that daring ultimatum – as if anyone knows what the world will look like in 2026.

Is this the best the Liberal party's PR machine can muster? Quoting a spokesperson from an "alliance" that probably has an office smaller than a broom closet and likely sells more unicorn stickers than #Adani T-shirts (which they offer, but let's be real – no one's buying)?

But let's dig a little deeper into the ATA's mystery box. Surprise, surprise – they seem to be fans of #Adani coal, not so keen on renewable energy subsidies, and mysteriously silent on mining subsidies. With no events on their calendar, they've even taken a stand against The Voice. The ATA, it turns out, is an all-round activist, not just tax enthusiasts.

A quick glance at their podcast reveals a whopping 158 views in three years. Impressive, right? As for their Wikipedia page, let's just say it reads like a who's who of political outcasts, featuring the likes of Mark Latham, David Leyonjelm, and a side note linking to the IPA (Institute of Public Affairs, for those not in the know – but really, who isn't?).

So, there you have it – Sky News doing what it does best, quoting an unknown from the right. How they manage to take themselves seriously is a mystery for the ages. Well, not really.


The article we read is/was here:

(1) Sky News quotes the “Australian Taxpayer Association” whoever the fuck they are. We have been around politics for years and have never heard of them (there’s a reason why)

(2) In the article the “Marlow” fellow states “The Labor government decided to lie to voters at the last election and completely abandon these tax cuts,” This is UNTRUE, Labor has NOT abandoned the tax cuts they have amended them which around 80%+ getting more and a small percentage getting a reduced amount but TILL getting a tax cut - So much for an authoritative spokesperson, the statement is a LIE.

(3) Haha, and we quote “We’re giving you until 2026 (to) commit to getting rid of that 37 per cent rate.” LOL, threatening the Labor government, OR FUCKING WHAT Mr. Marlow? You going to throw your toys? Rip up an #Adani T-shirt, hahaha.

Brilliant fun, reading Sky for comedy.

Sky News Australian Taxpayer Alliance 2