The Shitfuckery blog

Barnaby Joyce can't count - ABC Nemesis - Video


Barnaby Joyce recently appeared on #ABC’s #Nemesis. A documentary described as “A landmark series taking you inside the recent Coalition government in a revealing tale of politics, ambition and power”. Now we are pretty certain that a QUADRANT is a thingie of FOUR sections but Barnaby reckons it’s THREE. Video clip and story, read on…

Now we all know Barnaby can’t count, well at least anything over $675,000 (don’t mention the drought! See here for the article: but seriously QUADRANT is FOUR, it’s in the word QUAD. How the very F*** does he get that wrong? We reckon ABC picked up the mistake and left it in just so we could take the piss and take the piss we will. For goodness sake, this man was once the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, and for a brief period, he was IN CHARGE as acting PM!

Now, he may have been pissed. He did the interview in a dark room so we can’t really tell if he was all beetrooty or not but odds on he’d had a few, it’s on the cards as we all know he likes the liquid a lot. Anyway, have a look at the quick clip and then check out the full documentary on ABC, Tony Abbott refused to be in it and he gets a bit of a lathering so it’s all good fun, and we all benefit from Barnaby’s wisdom, god help us.

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