The Shitfuckery blog

Money for nothing and kickbacks for free? – Lets stop the PALADIN questions


What the very fuck is going on?

Paladin, the entity at the centre of suspicions over its government-awarded contract, reported to be $20 Million per month (of Australian taxpayers money) is still under question.

According to the financial review, #Paladin receives $20 Million a month to house refugees “That means on a daily basis it now costs the Australian government over $1600 to house each refugee on Manus, not including food and welfare services, more than double the price of a suite at the Shangri-La hotel in Sydney.”

The question “What the bloody hell does Paladin provide for this” was raised on Twitter today ( Paladin provides services and some suspect this might include LAUNDRY, if you get my drift.

So where does the money go and what margins does Paladin make – FOLLOW THE MONEY, oh thats right we can’t because Dutton won’t show the books.

Dutton and this government choose to keep information away from the public, the very public who pays.

Its’ a simple request, show us the money, show us where it goes, what it is spent on and OPEN THE BOOKS so we can put the matter to rest and focus on what other stuff this government is up to.

It is SIMPLE – stop the rumours, stop the questions and Show The Books

The Governer suite at Shangri La Sydney** per night $1,600 includes access to Horizon Club. Very nice




Manus Island $1,600 a night!
