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Unveiling the Orwellian Ambitions of #PeterDutton: A Dive into Social Media Controversies

#PeterDutton could easily be a character from George Orwell’s 1984. You know, the guy who seems to have a penchant for dictatorial vibes, ready to arrest you or slap you with a lawsuit just for thinking he's a bit of an asshole

Peter's take on #FreeSpeech is a bit wonky – it's all cool as long as you're singing his tune. Debates? Sure, but only if they fall under his 'affirmative' category. And for the next Christmas wishlist? Well, shutting down or at least operating social media under his rules seems to be high on his agenda. He's not exactly the biggest fan, especially when it comes to #X. Let's dig into what he had to say in an interview with #SkyNews...

The headline screams 'civilized debate,' but what Dutton really means is #CENSORSHIP. He's waving the flag for a more refined conversation on social media, blaming it for the current sorry state of debate in Australia.

"I have a full-time security detail because of many of the absurd, dangerous, and reckless things that people say online that they would never say to your face," claims Dutton. Hold up! That's a bit misleading. Plenty of politicians have security details, and it's not just because of social media. It's a convenient lie from the liar in chief.

And here's the kicker – many folks would gladly say to his face what they type on social media. Dutton seems to think it's the platform's fault people dislike him. No, Peter, it's you they're not a fan of, and they would say the same whether at the pub or online. Blaming #socialmedia is just nonsense.

Dutton's spiel continues: "There are a lot of people out there in the modern age who live through social media and believe what they read online." Maybe he should stop spinning tales (like the claim that #Canada gets 60% of its power from Nuclear). Is #Misinformation only bad when others do it, and #MSM gets a free pass?

And then he talks about civil debate. Wait, is "respectful" even in Dutton's vocabulary? Remember his attack on #AliFrance over being disabled? Peter is the epitome of #DoubleStandardDutton.

He wraps it up with, "The use of social media and the impact it has on civil debate and discussion is frankly a public policy that needs to be addressed." Translation: He wants the chatter about him, especially the stuff #MSM isn't catching, to stop.

Let's be crystal clear – Peter Dutton's social media hate isn't about the public good; it's about protecting himself from criticism. Dutton's allegiance lies with himself and the power he craves. Remember when he said "I am going to pick a few out to sue" regarding Twitter users?

Bottom line: Don't trust Dutton. He's all about smothering free speech, just like any dictator would.

Peter Dutton will keep quiet about this subject the closer to an election we get as re-voicing his beliefs in this area would be a reminder to voters of his dictator mentality and that wouldn't wash with the Australian public, but make NO mistake, this is the real Peter Dutton. #DontDuttonUs -
