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PNG prime minister calls for PALADIN contract to be cancelled, how convenient the timing

Paladin sfy launder2

Wash Wash Wash the laundry. Make money with the new money laundering machine

It looks like the PNG Prime Minister is a mate of Scott Morrison otherwise it’s just coincidental timing. The PNG primo has called for the Paladin contract to be cancelled*

The timing is brilliant, just as the questions become harder and the people asking them multiply, in jumps the PNG PM with a ‘Look over there’ opportunity for the government to deflect the burden that PALADIN is becoming.

What really has to be asked though is WHY HAS THE PNG only just woken up to this?, we will leave that to you to answer but it stinks like a rotting pig near a refugee facility on Manus Island.

Visit the website calling for action on this and other matters of public spending – People are asking the questions the Journalists seem not to want to like “Why can’t we see PALADINS books?”, “How can it cost $1,600 a day per refugee” and “Mr. Morrison given that this is public money why will you not show us the books and force PALADIN to show how they come to the figure, you must know because your government approved it”

This Government spends huge amounts of taxpayer money and hides behind ‘security and safety laws/excuses’ when it comes to telling the people who pay what they get for their money in detail. It’s the same as the nearly half a billion given to GBRF without a proper tender – Let’s see where the money goes.


The government rushed through a $423 million contract
for Paladin to run offshore immigration detention centres.

Paladin is registered to a beach shack on Kangaroo
Island. Paladin charges around $1600 per day per
refugee and pays their staff as little as $2 per hour.

The Department of Home Affairs attempted to exempt the
contract from being publicly accessed through Freedom of
Information laws.

Peter Dutton - 2017
One Contract causing controversy was signed with the security firm Paladin Solutions for $423 million for 22 months.
Paladin is now earning $72 million for providing security on Manus Island for four months – about $585,000 a day

Dave Hodgson**, a former special forces commando and born-again founder of the #PALADIN group of companies valued in excess of $1 billion. According to his bio, Hodgson is a “highly sought-after speaker at global summits and churches all over the world” who teaches how he learnt to do God’s will, God’s way, “resulting in a meteoric rise from $76,000 credit card debt to a $100 million business in 31 months”

Cashing in on human misery***
The Liberal–National government awarded a $423 million contract to Paladin, a security contracting company with strong connections with the Liberal Party. Paladin received the contract in a select tender, to manage the immigration detention centre in Manus Island. The paper trail and what the money was spent on was difficult to track and, according to refugee advocates, there was not much physical evidence of that amount of money spent on services on the island.

The Liberal Party is a party of convenience and opportunity
Former insider helped Paladin win $423 million contract and is now on the Paladin Board**** - Reported by Angus Grigg, Lisa Murray and Jonathan Shapiro for The Financial Review on June 24, 2019. A former top bureaucrat who previously ran the federal government’s offshore detention program helped security firm Paladin win a $423 million closed tender for refugee services on Manus Island. Dermot Casey, who is the partner of Paladin founder Craig Thrupp’s mother, was a senior figure in the Immigration Department for eight years until 2013.$423 million contract. Andrew Taylor

That tender process is now the subject of an investigation by the Auditor-General and accounting firm EY, which was asked by the Department of Home Affairs to look at the circumstances
surrounding the awarding of the contract.

#Paladin – PNG Manus Island $423m contract- June 2019
Peter Dutton awards Australia’s contract (through limited tender process) to run Manus Island for A$423 million over 22 months, or A$20.9 million a month - that's about A$1,600 per day per person – not including food or welfare services with a little-known security provider called Paladin, - who have no experience in running such facilities. First reported in the Australian Financial Review, were colourful: Paladin was registered to a beach shack on Kangaroo Island and had a post box in Singapore. Not just immigration, lots of big companies cool to work with a shack on Kangaroo Island.
This page has now been deleted on their website.

Dutton ignores Senate order...
The public interest immunity claim was also in action in January 2018, when Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton refused an order from the Senate to release documents about services for refugees on Manus Island. Dutton said making public the details would “damage Australia’s international relations with Papua New Guinea”. Of particular interest was the contract with the security firm Paladin Solutions, which was earning $72 million (about $585,000 a day) for providing security on Manus Island for four months. Senator Stirling Griff said the minister’s reasoning that releasing the documents would affect diplomatic relations “stretched credibility”. Tender:






Further reading: millions-money-laundering-the-minister-responsible-for-one-of-australias-biggest- scandals/ contract-20190617-p51ydz island-should-be-cancelled-pngs-new-pm-says island-extended-but-only-for-a-limited-time broken-refugee-system-118996

CleanShot 2024-01-23 at 18.11.26