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Sussan Ley in full counter-intuitive mode over Stage3 tax cuts

Sussan ley silly

In a rather intriguing turn, Sussan Ley has adopted a counter-intuitive stance on the matter of Stage 3 tax cuts. In her recent articulation, which we adorned with the hashtag #AirheadLey, she questions the effectiveness of the tax cuts proposed by @AlboMP and @JEChalmers, stating, "If you can’t afford rent today, how is $15 a week going to help you in 5 months? Cut the spin, where's the economic plan?" Read on…

Let's first untangle Sussan's rhetoric from the complexities it seems entwined in. The alterations to the #Stage3 tax cuts are not the sole relief measures that Labor has already set in motion, a fact seemingly overlooked by Sussan. Moreover, these tax cuts do not stand alone; additional strategies and support mechanisms are in the pipeline from Labor. It appears that Sussan is caught in a continuous loop of complaints, and it's not merely the complaints that raise eyebrows, but the consistently counterintuitive nature of her statements.

Sussan previously expressed concerns about the inflationary impact of Stage 3 cuts. However, it is worth noting that the same would have held true if the cuts had remained unchanged as legislated by the LNP. It seems Sussan may need a gentle reminder that inflation does not magically disappear when affluent individuals spend; every purchase, even a new #Akubra, contributes. The assertion that spending per se is inherently inflationary is debunked by the fact that if that were the case, all the Covid relief distributed by her party, which she attributed to the nearly trillion-dollar debt, would have similarly fueled inflation. Yet, most credible economists project a modest 3.1% inflation rate by year’s end.

Clearly, numbers may not be Sussan's forte.

In essence, Sussan, the adjustments to Stage 3 are not a fabrication or a broken promise; they represent a pragmatic response to altered conditions that even you have acknowledged. These changes are not a repeal but an enhancement. Rest assured, you still receive a tax cut, and your #expenses remain unaffected—a topic we might delve into in a subsequent article. As a friendly suggestion:

1. Refrain from engaging in televised debates with Jason Clare, as it tends to leave you on the losing end, making you appear less than informed.
2. Limit discussions on subjects beyond your comprehension, such as tax policy.
3. Avoid disseminating misinformation.
4. Endeavor to contribute meaningful policies—perhaps a collaborative effort with Spud, should you decide to burn the midnight oil.

The proposed amendments to Stage 3 tax cuts are poised to bolster Labor's standing in public opinion polls. With the economy on an upward trajectory, the persistent criticisms may not age well for Sussan as we approach the election. So, off you go, Sussan, reach out to Spud, and let's discuss "Policies."

Toot toot.