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Hello, the Internet is working! Labor gets on with fixing LNP's woeful disaster: The NBN revisited

NBN fail LNP

Labor Government's Silent Triumph: Revitalizing the NBN for a Connected Australia


In the shadows of past infrastructural chaos, the Australian Labor Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, has silently and effectively taken steps to rectify the National Broadband Network (NBN) fiasco left behind by the previous administration. Despite the mainstream media's apparent reluctance to shed light on Labor's achievements, the recent completion of the first NBN Fixed Wireless upgrades marks a significant milestone in the journey toward a more connected Australia.

The NBN Resurgence:

After years of facing the aftermath of the #LNP NBN debacle, the Albanese Government has committed a substantial $480 million investment to breathe new life into the NBN infrastructure. The initial focus of this investment has been the NSW South Coast and the Queensland Sunshine Coast, where approximately 16,000 homes and businesses are now reaping the benefits of improved connectivity. Read on…

Key Upgrades and Impact:

Thanks to these targeted upgrades, typical wholesale busy-hour speeds of at least 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) are now accessible to the fortunate residents and businesses in these regions. Furthermore, around 3,200 premises that were initially reliant on NBN satellite services have been seamlessly transitioned to the upgraded NBN Fixed Wireless network. This move is part of a broader initiative that saw over 1,000 premises shifted from the satellite footprint to the fixed wireless footprint in March 2023.

National Reach and Expansion:

The government's commitment extends beyond local upgrades, with more than 2,300 fixed wireless sites scheduled for improvement across the country. In addition to boosting the fixed wireless network, there are plans to enhance data limits on Sky Muster satellite services, introducing uncapped data usage plans for a more connected Australia.

A Vision for the Future:

Commencing in July 2022, the NBN fixed wireless network upgrades are set to increase total network capacity by 100 per cent by the end of November this year. Forecasts suggest that current capacity will double once more by the program's completion in December 2024. These upgrades mark the beginning of a nationwide initiative, with one million premises in regional, remote, and peri-urban areas slated to benefit from enhanced fixed wireless services or increased data limits on Sky Muster services by the end of 2024.

Wholesale Speed Plans and Industry Collaboration:

As part of the comprehensive upgrade program, NBN Co is engaging with industry stakeholders to propose enhancements to wholesale speed plans. This collaborative effort includes the introduction of two new higher-speed plans, promising speeds nearly double those initially envisioned. This move not only bolsters the infrastructure but also ensures that end-users will experience a quantum leap in their online experiences.


While the mainstream media may have turned a blind eye to Labor's achievements in revitalizing the NBN, the evidence is clear – the Albanese Government is diligently working to fix the previous administration's missteps. The NBN Fixed Wireless upgrades represent a crucial step towards a more connected and technologically advanced Australia, showcasing Labor as the unsung hero in the journey to rebuild and redefine the nation's digital landscape.
